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Scot D. Forshaw is active in a range of scientifc areas related to complexity theory, quantum information theory and neural and consciousness studies. His work been presented at international conferences including the ICICKM Knowledge Management 2015 in Bangkok and The 2015 Consciousness Reframed conference at the highly esteemed De-Tao Masters Academy in Shanghai China.
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I am Klear global top 10% influencer in the fields of software, quantum computing and technology. My preferred network is Twitter where you can connect with me @Softwareguru1. I also run a Facebook page at which I use to keep my followers informed on the latest development in both my own research and the industry as a whole. I am a guest author at Industry Tap, which published articles on trending technology topics
Articles and general publications
Updated on 14 Sep 2020WHAT I DO  In 2020 Thinkers360 ranked me at #2 in their global Thought Leaders list for Quantum Computing and #16 in predictive analytics.....Updated on 12 Sep 2020THINKERS360 RANKS SCOT FORSHAW 2 WITH A 79 19 SCORE ON LATEST LIST OF TOP 20 GLOBAL THOUGHT LEADERS ON QUANTUM COMPUTING  September 11, 2020 – Thinkers360 has released its latest ranking of global thought leaders on technology where TORIDION CTO a....Updated on 18 Feb 2017MORE EVIDENCE EL NINO IS LINKED TO THE PLANETS AND SUN  The recent announcement by World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) that El Niño may return later in 2017 is old news for some of us but grea....Updated on 09 Feb 2017QUAKESCANNER MISSION I  All the latest data, forecasts and mission results from the Quakescanner Earthquake I Mission! Earthquakes are one of the most powerful and destruc....Updated on 01 Jan 2017EARTHQUAKE FORECAST MISSION REMAINS STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT AT DAY 151  Long range earthquake forecasting moves a step closer as forecast model demonstrates ....Updated on 04 Dec 2016QUANTUM EARTHQUAKE FORECAST ALGORITHM SHEDS NEW LIGHT ON PLANETARY TIDAL EFFECTS  Research results released today 4th December 2016 by Quantum Gravity Project Quakescanner throws more support to the hypothesis that the planets do....Updated on 02 Dec 2016QUAKESCANNER DEMONSTRATES ACCURATE QUANTUM GRAVITY MODELLING AGAINST NASA OBSERVATIONS  09/30/2016 France: More concrete results demonstrate the accuracy of Quantum Gravity algorithms first identified by ....Updated on 17 Oct 2016THIS 3D PRINTED HARD DRIVE COULD BE MOST SECURE DATA STORAGE EVER  No matter how much you try and secure digital data the risk that it will be modified always remains. How do you know that your backup isn't compro....Updated on 17 Oct 2016UNIVERSAL TRANSLATION THE QUANTUM RESEARCH PROJECT DECODING THE LANGUAGE OF THE UNIVERSE  Can the building blocks of life, matter and human language be found in the signals, motion and gravitational interplay of cosmological for....Updated on 29 Sep 2016THE QUEST TO BUILD ARTIFICIAL LIFE  Cognitive computing is the current buzz word, but cognitive computing has a problem lurking in the near future, and the problem is Moore's....Updated on 29 Sep 2016BREAKTHROUGH LONG RANGE QUANTUM EL NINO FORECAST ALGORITHM  Breakthrough Long range Quantum El Niño Forecast Algorithm Predicts Events Decades in the Future
11/07/2016 - Unprecedented....Updated on 29 Sep 2016TORIDION POWERED EXOBIO IMPLANT TAKES A STEP FORWARD  Last month TORIDION announced that it was planning to upscale tests on the viability of using its quantum memory technology to store ident....Updated on 29 Sep 2016HOW DOES GRAVITY WORK AN INTRODUCTION TO SUPERFLUID DYNAMICS  Gravity waves, space time fabric, quantum gravity, gravitons! Arrgh!! There seems so many examples of science saying that gravity is this or that.....Updated on 17 Sep 2016POWERED BY TORIDION QUANTUM BIGDATA ANALYTICS IS HELPING PREDICT DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKES  Although your smartphone isn't a quantum computer, the computer called 'TORIDION' that first suggested the relationship between the Sun an....Updated on 16 Sep 2016STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOW TO BUILD A TIME MACHINE IN YOUR OFFICE IN 30 SECONDS  Using just 2 lengths of string, this article discusses the speed of intention and its apparently Faster Than Light speed properties – prepar....Updated on 26 Aug 2016BIO AUTHENTICATION COULD REPLACE PAPER PIN CODES  The paper PIN CODE confirmation in the mail could be replaced by polymorphic BIO identity checking – and that's just for starters if....Updated on 25 Aug 2016SYNTHETIC EMOTIONS  Synthetic emotions and Emotional Computing: Have you ever wished you had a firewall for your life?
Whilst the majority of....Updated on 24 Aug 2016QUAKESCANNER EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION APP  Quakescanner is an Earthquake and Natural Disaster Prediction Tool Based on Solar Tidal Activity and Planetary Alignment. Available for iPhone and....Updated on 23 Aug 201645 MILLION YEAR OLD STONE SPHERES ST JEAN DE LUZ FRANCE  A mysterious rock thought to be 45 million years old has been fished from the harbour of a French fishing village. The rock which is....Updated on 18 Aug 2016ON GRAVITY AS SELF REPLICATING INFORMATION  Gravity represents the most pure and ancient form of self replicating information in the universe. Able to emerge from apparent noth....Updated on 18 Aug 2016PREDICTING THE PAST AND FACING UP TO THE HARD PROBLEM OF DATA ANALYTICS  Everyone seems obsessed with predictive analytics these days. What will happen next, what will happen in 3 months....
I'....Updated on 18 Aug 2016CLASSICAL VERSUS QUANTUM DETERMINISM AND FREE WILL FOR BEGINNERS  Classical determinism is the notion that some action or another has a predictable and calculable outcome. For example: dropping a ball.....Updated on 29 Jul 2016DIARY OF A PROFESSIONAL DIGITAL NOMAD  Being a professional digital nomad is serious descision, but one I am glad I made. For almost 4 years I have worked in 7 countries, met new people....Updated on 11 Jul 2016QUANTUM ALGORITHMS PREDICT 8 OUT OF 10 EL NINO OVER 84 YEARS  Long range prediction of El Niño cycles receives a huge boost thanks to quantum big data and predictive analytics
For lack of bette....Updated on 28 Jun 2016PREDICTING SST CHANGES THAT DRIVE EL NINO AND LA NINA CYCLES  New research strongly suggests that the cyces of weather known as El Nino and La Nina are driven primarily by solar and space weather.
The....Updated on 19 Jun 2016USING QUANTUM BIG DATA TO PREDICT EARTH THREATENING SOLAR STORMS  Solar storms have the power to plunge Earth into the dark ages in the blink of an eye by destroying satellites and wiping out electronic communica....Updated on 09 May 2016SETI COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCHERS USING TORIDION QUANTUM DATA ANALYTICS  Meet the SETI researchers who are using quantum analytics to help detect extraterrestrial communication
SETI, or the sear....Updated on 25 Apr 2016ARE WE CLOSER THAN EVER TO PREDICTING EARTHQUAKES  In February I uncovered the cycles of the stock market whilst using quantum big data analytics to model solar activity. I applied the same techniq....Updated on 06 Apr 2016PROBABILISTIC QUANTUM NEURAL NETWORK BASICS  Probabilistic Quantum Neural Networks – The basics of how technology can turn mistakes to its advantage.
This simpl....Updated on 23 Mar 2016HOW CAN WE TRAIN AI TO ASK BETTER QUESTION OF BIGDATA  Question Generation Technology (QGT) in Deep Learning - Why Defining New Questions Is More Important Than Finding An....Updated on 23 Mar 2016ARTIFICIAL LIFE DEBATE  Artificial Life is about bridging the gap between you and the computers that watch everything from which website....